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Apply to Senior Software Developer, Cloud

* - indicates a required field

Please upload your resume in MS Word format (*.doc or *.docx)

List three technical skills where you are exceptionally proficient.

Desired annual salary

for US residents

Please select from the list

If applicable

e.g. dice, linkedin, indeed, craigslist, simplyhired, friend, news paper, etc

Specify your total number of years working as a software developer/programmer

Specify your total number of years programming using C or/and C++

Grade your Python 3 skills on a scale from 0 to 5. If you can only write basic Python scripts with a few dozen lines of code than you should pick (1). A (5) would mean that you have extensive Python experience and wrote at least a few thousand lines of Python code yourself.

Grade your Django knowledge and skills on a scale from 0 to 5 (0 representing no knowledge at all and 5 representing rich experience with this framework)

Grade your Linux/Unix skills on a scale from 0 to 5. A (5) means that you have hands-on experience using the terminal and commands, and are able to effectively use Linux/Unix for software development. If you do not know what "ls", "find", "grep", "awk", "chmod", "vi" and gdb are - select (0).

Grade your knowledge and skills in Shell/Bash Scripting on a scale of 0 to 5.

Grade your C++ and STL skills on a scale from 0 to 5. A (5) would mean that you are really proficient in OO design and development using C++ and have written a lot of C++ code using STL. If you have basic knowledge about programming in C++, used C++ in one of your academic projects, and/or don't really know what STL and Boost are - select (1).

Grade your SQL skills on a scale from 0 to 5. Choose (5) if you can design a complex database with more than 20 tables; are able to define keys, indexes, and write triggers, stored procedures, and functions; and can write complex queries with multiple joins and optimize them. (1) would mean that you can write basic select/insert update queries and build a simple database with a few tables.

Grade your proficiency in developing a dynamic web site using ASP.NET, Java EE, Ruby on Rails, LAMP, Perl Catalyst or similar toolset along with apache/IIS, mysql or other SQL server, etc. A (5) would mean that you actually created [or were involved in the development of] more than one website that you could show. If you are not sure what all those abbreviations and names above are - use (0).

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